How To Use An Astrolabe!!!

Step 1.
If you don't know how to use an astrolabe click here and it will show you
Step 2.
Look through the straw and make sure you can see the top of the item you are trying to measure.

Step 3.
Walk either forwards or backwards until the string on your astrolabe is on 45 degrees.

Step 4.
When your string is on 45 degrees measure the distance you are standing from the item you are measuring.

Step 5.
Measure  the height from the  ground to where you were holding the astrolabe.

Step 6.
Add the two measurements and that is the height of the item you were measuring

Isabella is at the Haggle deciding what sack she should choose out of sack one and sack two. In Sack 1. There is a snorkle,spear gun,ipod,gemstone necklace,a guitar and a tube of toothpaste. Sack 2. There is a deck of cards, 7 cans of peach slices,a life jacket,bow and arrows, binoculars and  a water filter.

Sack 1 the snorkle wouldn't be very useful as the water is all mirky and you wouldn't be able to see out of it. they also have the spear gun to kill animals as food but it would get really ipod would not be helpful as it would run out of battery fast. The Gemstone necklace would not be helpful as it does not do much. The Guitar could be used as entertainment. The tube of toothpaste  would be good as you could have nice clean teeth but the flood water is dirty so it would not be very helpful.

Sack 2 the deck of cards could be used as entertainment for the kids, 7 cans of peach slices would be good as a healthy fruit but they would get heavy. a life jacket would be very useful if they drown in the flood water, bow and arrows would be good as you would be able to kill animals as food, binoculars would be good to see things far away like an enemy a water filter would be good for nice clean water.

I think Isabella Should choose sack 2 as there are more items in there that are useful than sack 1. 
What You Will Need:
* spring loaded mouse trap
* 60cm long dowel wood rod
* 4 10cm wheels of any kind
* epoxy glue
*4 hooks
* string


Step 1
Saw the dowel wood in half so you have two 30cm rods.

Step 2
Glue the wheels on each end of the two rods and wait for them to dry.

Step 3
 Drill two holes on the two shorter sides of the mouse trap and screw in the hooks.
Step 4 
Place the  dowel wood in the hooks so that it looks like a car .

Step 5
Drill a hole in the center of the dowel  wood on the side further away from the bail.

Step 6
Tie a string around the bail and put the other end through the hole in the dowel  wood.

Step 7
Turn  the two wheels at the back towards the back so that the string tightens. 

Step 8 
Then throw a small item at the bait holder and your car will go.