What You Will Need:
* spring loaded mouse trap
* 60cm long dowel wood rod
* 4 10cm wheels of any kind
* epoxy glue
*4 hooks
* string


Step 1
Saw the dowel wood in half so you have two 30cm rods.

Step 2
Glue the wheels on each end of the two rods and wait for them to dry.

Step 3
 Drill two holes on the two shorter sides of the mouse trap and screw in the hooks.
Step 4 
Place the  dowel wood in the hooks so that it looks like a car .

Step 5
Drill a hole in the center of the dowel  wood on the side further away from the bail.

Step 6
Tie a string around the bail and put the other end through the hole in the dowel  wood.

Step 7
Turn  the two wheels at the back towards the back so that the string tightens. 

Step 8 
Then throw a small item at the bait holder and your car will go.