A Procedure on how to make a braided plastic basket!

What you will need:
80 plastic bags
PVA glue

Step 1. 
Cut the handles and the bottom off the plastic bag.
Step 2.
Cut three strips going horizontally out of the plastic bag.
Step 3. 
Cut across the circle that you will find is created if you unfold this it will make the strip longer.
Step 4.
Join all the three strips together with a single knot.
step 5.
Start braiding your three strips together if you have no idea how to braid watch the video below.
step 6.
Continue this process with all your plastic bags.
Step 7.
Join all your plastic bags together in one long line by tying them with a single knot.
Step 8.
Roll your line of braid inwards so it makes a spiral shape.
Step 9.
Glue the braids after coiling them together to form the shape of the basket.
Step 10.

Wait until your bowl is dry.

Step 11.
Have fun using your basket.