Quinn is an average height for a year 6 student, he's got shiny brown hair from a boiling fryer and blue sparkling bubbly eyes.                                                  

Quinn is a happy active guy he loves to play his ballistick xbox 360 and his beloved game Guitar Hero and he's a legend at it. Thats right he can even play the most epic, hardest level ever.

Quinn is a quiet gaming kid he doesn't talk very much only when his best friends come over. When Quinn has rainbow sherbert he goes crazy and becomes full of excitement.

Quinn loves xbox 360 and his  favourite games are Halo- 4, Skyrim, MW3 and Mass Effect 3. Quinn's favorite band is Billy Talent and his most unfavourite things are Justin Bieber and Star Wars the Clone Wars. 

The thing that makes Quinn special is that he's awesome, cool and he is the best at gaming!  

Written by Marcus
Edited by Quinn

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