Fly is a young 10 year old girl who hasn't spoken since the kids met her on the roof of her house. The kids call her Fly because they found a drawing of an old fashioned plane with the name Dragonfly so they called her Dragonfly and Fly for short. Her hobbies are  art and reading. They found her on a roof with a drawing book and a briefcase. She is brave and is not scared of danger.  Fly is feisty just like Isabella she is very loyal to the Palace kids especially Griffin and Isabella. 
Isabella has to choose a sack for the haggle and i discuss about it.... 
Sack 1 has got snorkel, spear gun, iPod, gemstone           necklace, guitar and toothpaste. 

Sack 2 has 7 slices of peach cans, deck of cards, life jacket, 
bow and arrows, binoculars, water filter.    

7 cans of peach slices can be helpful for food but the spear gun and snorkel together makes a good hunting tool and gets more food. A Deck of cards cant be useful when all you can do is play games and gamble with the deck of cards. Life jackets are great because when you make vehicles if you fall you can stay up above the water alot longer. The bow and arrows is good but there aren't many birds in the sky to shoot all you can do is defend yourself with it and can only be useful for killing intruders which is great because you get distance and they couldn't stab with a knife. Binoculars are good because you can see enemies in the distance and before intruding into a building you check it from a distance and not get injured and it doesn't use power like the iPod.

Gemstone necklace is good for selling or trading but only a really girly girl would really want it and there aren't that many. Toothpaste works without a toothbrush you would have to use your finger which is not as effective as the toothbrush. The guitar isn't that useful all you can do is trade or play songs if you know how to. the water filter is great because that mean you can have fresh water and not yucky salty water. 

I think sack 2 has better things for life in Grimsdon.

Materials                                     Equipment   
1m of Wood                                 Drill 
20 nails                                       Screwdriver 
20 Rubberbands                           Hammer  
Foam box                                     Saw
Tape                                             Scissors 
Dowel wood
                        Rubberband Car                           
Step 1: Cut 2x10cm lengths of wood and 2x15cm lengths. 

Step 2: Make a rectangle shape out of the the wood and to 2 holes on the side for the axles to go. 

Step 3: Make foam wheels and stick them on well to the axle. 

Step 4:Drill at 1 end 2 holes to place 2 10cm wood on the wood base.

Step 5: Place a 10cm dowel wood on top of the 2 10cm woods and should make a shape like and ark. 

Step 6: Get rubber bands and wrap them around on the axels and to the ark. 

Good Luck

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There was a guy called Kai,
And he ate a big pie,
He was fat,
Like that kid Matt,
And that was the end of Kai.

Mal has hazelnut eyes and long brown hair that flicks side to side. He has tanned skin from surfing at the the beach. He has a few freckles on the right side of his face. He is an average height for a Year Sixer aprox 1.65cm. 

Mal likes to surf at Lord Howe Island.  He skates on a double kicker at the skate park. He plays rugby union for his school and goes for the Roosters in the NRL series and his fav player is Mini. 

Mal likes to play guitar and practices alot. He hates soccer.  Mal acts like a drunk lepricorn and is very funny and likes to talk nonsense alot of the time.