Dear Diary  
The Skelene comes out from the water and his head looks over Isabella and Raffy. He has scales all over his body. He grits his teeth back they are the sharpest teeth Ive ever seen. He has plate type scales on his back for armor I think. He is colored like a seaweed and has a sharp brown horn at the front of his head. He was long like a anaconda snake and looked four times stronger then one. Then the Skelene got hit by a sneaker wave into a building and the building crumbled to the bottom of the ocean like a anchor. All you good hear was glass smashing against the stone tower.  Fly is manoeuvring the Aerotrope. She is struggling against the wind. Rafyy and Isabella arre swimming as quickly as they can while the Skelen is sinking to the bottom of the ocean. They struggle against the currents and sneaker waves. Taking deep breaths and Isabella says all thats happening is that were losing our breath and strength. Isabella looks and sees theres a drop off at the end she thinks what it is more ocean currentn ripels or waterfall. "WATERFALL" Iabella screams. Raffy doesn't understand what shes talking about but then she sees. They scream "HELP HELP" with fear and fright. Ten they see a plane type object coming in the distance  

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