Dear Diary  
The Skelene comes out from the water and his head looks over Isabella and Raffy. He has scales all over his body. He grits his teeth back they are the sharpest teeth Ive ever seen. He has plate type scales on his back for armor I think. He is colored like a seaweed and has a sharp brown horn at the front of his head. He was long like a anaconda snake and looked four times stronger then one. Then the Skelene got hit by a sneaker wave into a building and the building crumbled to the bottom of the ocean like a anchor. All you good hear was glass smashing against the stone tower.  Fly is manoeuvring the Aerotrope. She is struggling against the wind. Rafyy and Isabella arre swimming as quickly as they can while the Skelen is sinking to the bottom of the ocean. They struggle against the currents and sneaker waves. Taking deep breaths and Isabella says all thats happening is that were losing our breath and strength. Isabella looks and sees theres a drop off at the end she thinks what it is more ocean currentn ripels or waterfall. "WATERFALL" Iabella screams. Raffy doesn't understand what shes talking about but then she sees. They scream "HELP HELP" with fear and fright. Ten they see a plane type object coming in the distance  

The Way It Acts
When around babies or a nest it will get defensive and aggressive. The Skelene is at its most aggressive when hunting. 

They live mainly in large oceans and lakes. Their nest are normally at the bottom of the ocean or lake. They  make fake nests to distract their predators. 

When sharks hunt as pack they can mainly take down this monster of a snake. Other Predators are: Killer whales, Crocodiles and sometimes even humans. 

Size and Look 
A male has a brown horn and a green body like seaweed. The females have a green horn and brown body. They look like a giant seaweed snake slithering in the water. They can grow to 20 meters long and 3 meters wide. 

The Skelene normally preys on small ocean animals such as fish, eels, water snakes and seaweed. They camouflage into the seaweed and then they jump at their prey.
Isabella struggles against the current to save Raffy from drowning in  the dirty and thick water. She was splashing and smashing in the water trying to doggy  paddle. In the distance Raffy  could see spikes coming up from the water and towers collapsing behind it. Raffy yelled and screamed with fright. Isabella heard Griffin shouting "Be careful". Griffin falls from the ledge of the window Fly tries to catch him but he was too heavy out cold. Fly screams to Xavier "Save him please". Xavier jumps from the Aerotrope into the water with a big splash. His head comes out of the water and he takes deep breaths then Griffin comes out after him. Fly throws a rope around the Aerotrope and pulls it to the window. She jumps on to it and manoeuvres  it to pick up Griffin and Xavier. Isabella is getting closer and closer to the monster that is coming at her. She finally gets to Raffy and holds her tight. Fly picks up Xavier and Griffin. She drops them off at the roof and Lifts back up to the air in the direction where Isabella and Raffy are. The scaled monster gets closer and closer as more and more buildings behind it fall into the water. Fly is almost there but then a sneaker wave comes in and smashes the monster into a wall Isabella gets her first close up look at the monster. It looks like a water snake with sharp teeth like a sabre tooth tiger. Fly sees her opportunity she picks up Raffy and Isabella as quick a shooting star  and is out of their. She drops on the roof and starts talking about how to stop the snake from taking down there house.