Isabella is at the Haggle and needs to decide which sack to choose out of sack 1 and sack 2.

Sack 1 contains a snorkel, a spear gun, an iPod, a gemstone necklace, a guitar and a tube of toothpaste.
Sack 2 contains a deck of cards, 7 cans of peach slices, a life jacket, a bow and arrows, binoculars and a water filter.
Both sacks contain useful and unuseful  things for them to survive in Grimsdon.

The snorkel in Sack 1 wouldn't be very useful to them because the flood waters in Grimsdon is really cold and dirty and they might get sick. On the hand the spear gun would be very useful because they can use it to catch fish but it would get really heavy. An ipod would defenitly not be useful because you wouldnt be able to do anything with it and when it runs out of charge you would never be able to charge it. The gemstone necklace you simply couldnt do anything with because it would just sit around your neck and do nothing. A guitar would be good to entertain the kids when they get board but you would have to learn it. A tube of toothpaste would defenitly be good because of your personal hygine like brushing your teeth.

In sack 2 the deck of cards would be useful because when evreybody gets bored they can all play a game of cards. 7 cans of peach slices would DEFENITLY be useful for food!!!!!! A life jacket is usefull because the kids can wear it on a boat and if one ripps then at least you have a spare one.  A bow and some arrows are good because they can defend themselves and practice shooting. The sack also has a pair of binoculars so they can spy on the parents and look in the distance for sneaker waves. Last but not least a water filter is usefull because they can all have clean water and not the old dirty water that they have to shower in and drink out of.

In conclusion I think that Isabella should choose sack 2 because there is more useful stuff that she could benefit from.

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