Isabella is taking a visit to the Haggle, before she enters she must hand in a sack full of goodies. She has a choice of sack in sack one we have a snorkel, spear gun, guitar, tooth paste, i Pod, and a gemstone necklace. In sack two we have a deck of cards, seven cans of peach slices, life jacket bow and arowws, binoculars and a  water filter. 
Sack one has many useful items such as;
A snorkel to look under water and could be useful under water to catch fish with your Spear gun, Guitar,to entertain young children, Tooth paste to keep you teeth clean. how ever i find that sack one also has unuseful itmes such as;iPod great to have and use while you have it but pointless with out a charger, The gemstone necklclace wont help the kids survive in grimsdon.
scak two also has useful items like;Deck of cards good to keep you entertained, 7 cans of peach slices good to use for a snack, Life jacket for the little ones in the big bath and also incase you fall of the ante trope, Water filter so you have nice clean water. 
in sack two we also have some unuseful items;
binoculars there not relly helpful and wont help the kids survive

I find that Isabella should keep sack two for the palace as it has many useful items.

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