This is how our clan (Lagoon) made our plastic bag basket.
Approx 2 rolls of garbage bags
Sticky Tape
Spray Glue
PVA Glue


Step 1:  Rip a plastic bag off the roll.

Step 2: Cut the handle and the bottom off the plastic bag.

Step 3: Open the bag up and lay it flat.

Step 4: Cut up one side of the bag so it is now one long strip.

Step 5: Cut strips off the long strip so it makes they make littler strips that are easier to plait there should be at least 5 or 6 each bag.

Step 6: Get three little strips put them together then tie a knot in the top.

Step 7: Hold the knot end with your mouth or get a friend to hold it for you. To plait get each outside strip then put it into the middle (different outside strip each time)

Step 8: Tie a knot at the bottom of your plait once you have done and cut off the excess plastic

Step 9: Repeat the plaits until you have finished 2 rolls of garbage bags.

Step 10:  Tie all of your plaits into one long plait by sticky taping or knotting them together.

Step 11: Spiral the plaits around in a circle to make a basket shape.

Step 12: Sew your basket together.

Step 13: Spray or paint your basket with glue to keep it sticking together.

Step 14: If you have plaits left over staple them on each side for handles.

Your Basket Should Be Made

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