Goldilocks went for a walk in the woods,
to find a house with delicious goods,
She found a house that was full of mice,
but decided that it was really nice.
She found some veggies and made some soup,
and then she went out and shot some hoops.
She found some water and made some tea,
and then she shouted out with glee,
"I love this house I’ll never leave!"
She wiped some milk off on her sleeve.

She went and explored the living room,
where she found her self next to a broom.
She did not know what to do,
so went and swept the smelly loo,
Then she found a big and dusty couch,
the painting fell so she had to crouch,

She went in the bedroom to get some sleep,
first she folded the clothes that were in a heap.
She went and chose a lovely bed,
where she lay and rested her sleepy head.
She heard a noise through the door,
so she got up and there she saw.
Three big bears and one with a pistol,
the others had a really big crystal.
They shot her dead!
Well that's what the townsfolk said,
and that was the end of that.

By Lilly, 

Goldilocks went to the woods one day,
and found a house made of string and hay.
She decided it was really swell,
she said, “I will live my life oh so well.”
Goldilocks knocked on the door of the house,
and out came a cute but well fed fat mouse.
Then she saw the three little bears,
who tied her up in the baby's chair!

So they started to give her a quiz,
to see if she was a Year 6 Math whizz.
They decided to keep her to let her stay in,
if she would clean and would take out the bins.
Goldilocks said,  “OK GOOD DEAL."
Then she was given a cold slimy meal.
She shouted out loud and with such glee,
"Can I make you all a cup of tea?"
The bears decided to let Goldilocks stay,
They live happily together to this very day.

By Elissa, 

Once upon a time there was three bears,
they were very healthy and only ate pears.  
One day they went for a lovely long stroll ,
and upon coming home found a lonely lost troll.
The troll was happily welcomed in,
his chore was to take out the smelly bins.
The bears lived in happiness
but the troll made a mess,
now the bears were very stressed!

In the morning the troll came back,
and left in their house a mysterious pack.
The whole town thought and wondered why,
and then the troll gave her honest reply.
"I am sorry for messing up your house,
so in return I bought you a mouse."
Then a boy from the lot,
asked, "Is your name Goldilocks?"
The troll replied with a nod,
and everyone thought that was odd.
The whole town ran away,
and haven't come out not even today.

 By Olivia, Maddy J, 


Once there was a little pig who lived in several bins,
who loved to slaughter chickens.
Then came a big cyborg fox,
That had a very bad case of the chicken pox.
Then the fox said meanly,
I”ll shoot and I”ll shoot and I”ll shoot your house down,
With a very very big nasty frown.
Then the fox shot and slaughtered the pig.
Then squashed an extremely big fig,
Then the fox went to look for more.
With a massive sharp spiky chainsaw,
Then got to another house but was made of glass.
Then the fox shouted from the grass ,
I”ll cut and l”ll cut and l”ll cut your house down.
With a very very big nasty frown.
Then he chopped up the obese pig.
Then he saw something starting to dig.
It was a pig in a bunker with a MG-42,

This smart piggy knew what to do!
Then the fox got badly shot.
For the rest of his life he was rudely mocked.

By Lawrence

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