Isabella is a  twelve-year-old girl who is the leader  of the boys and girls who live in the Palace.
Ever since the floods she has become stronger by teaching herself skills.
Isabella's mum left when she was young so she was living with her dad before the floods.  Her father worked on the flood gates so when the floods hit her father drowned.  Now she has dreams about saving her father.  
I have brown hair, hazel eyes and I wear a watch all the time.  I have a medium nose and dark eye-brows like I have spray painted them.  I also have hairy arms and legs like my dad.

I ride my 80cc XR Honda 2000 model motorbike when ever I can.  I play Minecraft about 40% of my time and tweet 12% of the time.  I tweet to whoever wants to listen and play my eletric guitar.

I act like a normal year sixer; I walk, I talk and I tweet and play Minecraft and play the guitar.

I also like playing tennis and the guitar.  I don't like facebook, edmodo and spelling.

I'm special because I like playing tennis.