What is a dingo?
A dingo is wild dog 

What does a dingo look like?
A dingo have pricked ears, bushy tails and a distinctive trotting gait. Their coats are typically ginger but some are sandy-yellow, red-yellow or occasionally black and tan. Most have white markings on their feet, tail tip and chest.

Dingoes breed once every year. They  mate in autumn. Around 60 days later, a litter of dingo puppies are born. Dingoes give birth to between one-ten pups. The average number of pups in a litter is around five.  

Size?Dingoes grow up to 60cm high & weigh up to 15 kilograms. 

Dingoes eat a diverse range of prey items such as insects, rabbits, rodents, lizards and kangaroos.

Dingoes can live up to 8-10 years.

 Howling is used for long distance communications to attract pack members and repel rivals.

This is how you do a cow hitch knot.
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Plastic bags
Masking tape
Plating skills

Step 1: Gather all of your materials nedded.

Step 2: Cut the top and bottom off your plastic bags. You may throw out what you just cut as you will not use it.

Step 3: Cut a plastic bag into strips the same size. Do this for all of the plastic bags.

Step 4: Get three pieces and tie a knot at the top.

Step 5: Watch this video for how to plait.
Step 6: Tie a knot at the end once you have finished plaiting them.

Step 7: Cut off the ends just before the knot and sticky tape all of the garbage bags together.  

Step 8: Grab a piece of card board and make a estimation how big you would like the base. 

Step 9: Make a massive bundle in your hand. ( not to tight to cut your circulation )

Step 10: Start doing your base. You can do this by going inside your outline and start at one corner and go down then up. As you go along you will need to sticky tape the lines together to hold them. Continue this pattern until your base is done. 

Step 11: Start at one corner and tape the corner so it won't move.  ( not too much tape as you will remove it from the cardboard later )

Step 12: Continue along the outline you created earlier. When you get to a new corner tape it as well.

Step 13: Continue doing this until you have run out of plastic bag rope. Tape anywhere needed.

You have successfully made a plastic bag basket. Have fun filling your basket with lots of different things.
Click here to read a page out of Fly's diary.
Description: The Skelene is a mighty, purple, fireball spitting sea monster. This sea creature has massive spikes on his back. They also have gigantic bright yellow horns on their heads. This  horn glows in the dark. It's like a torch for the Skelene. The fire balls it spits out are only tiny but extremely deadly. One touch and the unlucky victim is engulfed in flames.

Size: The Killer can grow up to at least 7m long and 5m high. When the Killer is born its a massive 3m by 2m.

Age: The Skelene lives for a minimum of  1500 years. The oldest known living Skelene was 1 million years old.

Population:  There is only 5 known Skelene in the wild.

Range: The Skelene only lives in mucky, dirty brown water. The only place that you will find these monsters are in Grimsdon.

Breeding: When a male mates with a female, the female becomes pregnant for 2 days. For the 2 days the female just sits laying wait. The male goes out hunting and stacks loads of food for the babies. They have only 1 a year.

Babies: A newborn is called Sklen.

Behavior: These sea monsters  are deadly to everything. There is not one thing these monsters are afraid of.

Food: They eat a variety of animals, including sharks, fish, humans and other sea creatures. 

Click here to see my slide show about sneaker waves.