
  • About 50 strong Plastic bags/Garbage Bags
  • Spray Glue
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Thimble
  • PVA Glue
  • Scissors
  • Staples
  • Sticky Tape


1. Cut off the handle and the seam off the bottom of the bag.

2. Cut the bag into three long strips , the longer the strips are the harder it is to plait and easier to tie together.

3. Tie a knot at the top of the three strands then plait the bag by taking the left strip into the middle, then the right and so on until the end.

4. Finish it by tying another knot at the end.

5. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until you have at least 30 plaits. Next tie all your bags together. Now you are ready to begin sewing your basket.

6. Grab a needle, thread, spray glue, some PVA Glue, some sticky tape and a thimble. 

7. Coil the bag around to the width that you like then sew through a little layer of the bag to secure.

8. Spray with spray glue to make sure it is really strong and unbreakable. Let it dry.

9.Coil the bag up so you get start to get the shape of a basket.

10. Use the spray glue and spray to secure. 

11. Sew with a needle and thread to fill in the gaps and make it look better.

12. Keep coiling the bag around until you have run out of bags to coil with. You will have a big basket by now.

13. Secure it all over a needle and thread so it have no more holes.

 14. You now have a Plastic Bag Basket!!! Well Done!!