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Plastic bags
PVA glue


Cut the plastic bags!
1. Lay out your plastic bags and cut off the handles.
2.Cut your plastic bags into 3 long strips about half a meter long (if the strips are too long then cut them in half) do this with ALL of your bags.

The braiding!
1. Once you have cut all of your plastic bags, get 3 stips and make sure that the ends are equal to each other. 
2. Tie a knot in the end of the bunch of strips and get some one to hold the knot end while you plait the strips. 
If you dont know how to braid, watch the video below to learn how to!!!!!!!!

Joining the plaits!
1. Once you have 70-80 plaits make a loose knot in the end of one of the plaits, but make sure you dont pull it too tight!
2. Grab another plait and push it through the knot just a little bit then pull the knot really tight.
3. Now just cut off the ends and keep doing this until ALL your plaits are gone and you have one long line of plaites!

1. Hold the end of the plaits on a flat surface (table, bench or floor)and hold it down really tight. (you might want a friend to hold it down fo you!)
2. Wrap the plaits around and around until you get a base for the basket. 
3. Start to wrap upwards so you get the sides of the basket. 
4. Smear some PVA glue all around the basket so it will hold together.  Let it dry and if it still needs some support then sticky tape it or just glue it some more. Trust me, it will stay together!

Now all you need to dois fill your basket with goodies and congratulations, you've made a plastic bag basket!!!
I waited for the whole Palace to fall asleep before I went out to meet Sneddon and his gang to teach them a lesson.  As I quietly putted off away from the palace in the Velocraft, Grimsdon went quiet and all I could hear was the sound of the small waves gently crashing against buildings and jetties.  I kept going out of the flood barriers until Sneddons ship came in sight.  I suddenly heard something in the distance, it sounded like a crashing wave.  I looked around me and I suddenly saw a massive sneaker wave just to the left of me.  I pulled the engine harder and bolted away from it, but it was too late.  The sneaker wave tossed the boat over and I went flying into the cold river drawing in as much breath as I could.  As I tried to draw in another breathe it pulled me under again and tossed and turned me as if I was its breakfast.  I was struggling to stay above the water and I had nearly run out of breath when suddenly I flew out of the water like a flying fish. I knew that I would just fall back down into the surf but I only fell a little and only Just nicked the water.  I felt something rough and tough under me and when  I looked down I saw a deep emerald, green sea creature neck that was lined with fur on the sides and two giant wings poking out of the back.  Its enormous body rose out of the water creating massive waves.  I drew in another breath before I went down again.  When I came up there were only the slightest waves and I was so relieved about that, but Staring me right in the eyes were two, huge brown eyes rimmed with red.  Then it started to turn away from me and started to glide through the river back to the city.  I screamed and snapped at it but before I could reach my knife the two massive wings flapped out of the water and glide right over the city.  As  I looked around me I started to relax a bit and sat back into its rough, curved back.  I flew to the Palace and landed on the roof with a big "THUD".  It slowly lowered me down to the surface and I slid off.  I stared at it for a while with interest until I heard a faint little voice behind me saying "his name is Herman, hes the skelene". It was Fly "What!" I jumped in surprise.  Fly handed me her blanket that I wrapped myself in.  She slowly held out her hand and Herman nudged it a bit before nudging it hard.  "Every morning he swims outside my window" Fly said.  "He saved me from a sneaker wave and I got a terrible fright when I saw him" I said. "I knew he would" "You talk to him?" I said in shock. "Through thoughts, he tells me where hes been and where hes at" she replied.  The skelene held up his foot and I scrambled back. But I realised that it wasn't so bad and that he is actually quite friendly.  "He has got to go now because his feet hurt from the roof" Fly said in disappointment. "Alright see -ya Herman" I said as he flew off.  Griffin and the others rushed out just in time to see the sea creature swoop down and splash into the water.  "OMG!!!!!!, My very first sea monster!!!" screamed Raffy in excitement.  As the others were talking about it, Griffin and Xavier Walked over to me. "Are you ok and was that the skelene?" Asked the boys. I nodded "His name is Herman and he saved me from a sneaker wave" "Did you go to fight sneddon?" Asked Xavior in worry. "umm....Yes" I replied.  "Please dont" Griffin told me. "But dont you think after what he did to Fly that we should teach him a less.. "No" Griffin cut me off. "We'll just leave him" "Ok I said " Then lets go and have a big breakfast!!!"
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Isabella is a Sweet but feisty twelve year old girl who lives in the Palace with the other kids.  She has long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and has a bright red coat that buckles at the front.  Isabella is very strong and over the last few years has looked after the kids and has also taught herself knife skills so you wouldn't want to mess with her.  Her mum left her when she was three years old so before the floods she lived with her dad who worked at the city floods barriers.  Nearly every night she has nightmares about her rescuing him, that is something that she only shares with her best friend Griffen who was with her when the floods hit.  The sneaker waves in Grimsdon are getting bigger and much more powerful so she knows that she is running out of time and needs a plan to get herself and the other kids to dry land safely.