My shell necklace

My beautiful shell and bead necklace is one of a kind. It has lots of small beads on it and it also has two (2) big beads on it too. The shells I bought at a store, are shaped like a circle with a hole in the middle. The colours of the beads on the necklace is dark blue, matalic dark blue, middle blue, light blue, dark green and light green. The colours of the big beads are purple with a few gold stripes. The shells are a creamy colour. 

I would wear a colourful skirt and top with it. I would wear it at the beach. I feel like a bird when I wear it.

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Me making my balloon mobile
Materials and Equipment

milk carton lids
-ANZAC biscuit tin lid (plastic)
-wooden kebab 

-2 straws
-hard plastic tube
 -sticky tape
 -your own hands.

Cut a straw in half, stick them on the bottom of the biscuit lid. One at the front and one at the back.

Get two skewers and 4 milk bottle tops, making sure they are the same size. Make holes in the middle of the 4 milk bottle tops.

Push one skewer through one of the bottle tops, do the same to the other one. Push the skewers through the  straws. Push the 2nd bottle top through the skewer again.

Take your balloon and pull it over the tube on the open end. Tape the tube on the back of the balloon mobile.

By Maddy J :)