Hello i Do think That Year 6 had  Good camp And Columba Day Was the Best this Year Because Of the Chickens Maths Groups Was Very Bad i Didnt like it we werent with our friends Which Wasnt The Best but i Managed But i ade Some Good Friends In YEar 6 And That was the Highlight Of my Year 6 Experience The Only a Few Bad things but that Was Alright  its School And i Cant wait for next year were every period we have a new teacher OM NOM NOM NOM Thats Good i Like New Teachers And Hopefully at the end of the year we Will have a Party Computers Wasnt Fun Because We Didnt Do Much Exept Grammer stuff using the computers whick shouldve been done during grammer time and do so real computer stuff.
But if we did other people wouldnt understand it.
Science We Didint Do much this Year So i Cant Wait Until Year 7 Cause Next Year we Get to SCIENCE Our Heads Off Woot 
Ir wasnt the Best Year i Had compared to others  it was Boring 

Step 1: Learn How to Braid And What u Need to Do is Get 31 or So plasticbags u Need To Cut Them Into 3 Strips And  With Scissors Make Sure they Are Pretty Even

Step 2: Ok Now U Need To Braid the 3 Strips Together\

Step 3: Put the 3  plasticbags Together and Knot the Top And Then If u Dont have 2 Braid Look At the Video Above But if u Just Wanna Watch me type it thats ok to Ok Fir Grave All Three In Different Fingers and Put the Right One in the Center Now the Left One In the Center and Keep Doing that Till It hits The Bottom And u have Finished the Plasticbag And Now Put a knot at the Bottom And u have Done a Plate or Braid Either Way it Dosent matter What u Call it

Step 4: k Now When you have Made about  31 Or However many u Want Depends On how Big u Want the Plactic basket Now After u have made As Many as u Want Now Now Start Making The Plastic basket Ok Now you Need to Start making the base and Start making The base Ok you Need to Get About 19 or So Braid Just Enopguh to make the Base of ur Shape For the basket Grab Howmany ur Using For the Shape For the base Ok Now u Need Get needles And Stick Them qall Together and lay them on the base or u Can use Ducktape Whatever u Feel Like using.